Can you put any antifreeze in a BMW?

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For BMW owners, you need a BMW approved coolant. You can use a BMW Coolant Antifreeze or a BMW 82-14-2-209-769 Antifreeze. Both coolants are highly effective on all BMW models. … Remember never to use any other coolant on your BMW engine lest you damage it.

What kind of coolant does BMW require?

BMWs have specific coolant requirements (nitrite and phosphate free) to prevent build-up and corrosion of aluminum components, so not just any off-the-shelf antifreeze will do.

Does BMW require special coolant?

Every vehicle manufacturer, including BMW has developed its own coolant or requires a exact coolant that is unique to definite years and models.

Is BMW coolant blue or green?

Green is backwards compatible with blue and can be used on cars before 2018. However, BMW does not advise using the older blue formula on cars made after January, 2018. The green coolant includes silicates, which add extra protection for cooling internals but the coolant must be replaced every two years.

Why does BMW use blue coolant?

We recommend using BMW’s “Blue” coolant in your car because it is silicate & phosphate free, and has a much longer lifespan inside of your car’s cooling system.

Can I mix green and blue coolant BMW?

Looks like they’re compatible and green can be mixed in with cars filled with blue but not the other way around. Pasted from getbmwparts: BMW HT-12 can be used in any vehicle that currently contains G48 coolant (blue), but G48 should not continue to be used in vehicles that were originally filled with HT-12.

Why is my BMW coolant low?

Reasons Why Your Coolant Might Be Low leak in radiator. leak in radiator hoses. leak in water pump. damaged or broken radiator seal.

What fluid is blue in a BMW?

BMW coolant is blue. Most likely coolant. Rub it between your fingers. If it feels a tad bit greasy/slippery, it’s coolant.

Is Prestone coolant OK for BMW?

Optimal formula for all BMW ยฎ; All Mini ยฎ; All Volvo ยฎ; Mercedes ยฎ older than 2014; Volkswagen ยฎ older than 1997; Audi ยฎ older than 1997; Jaguar ยฎ older than 1999, Porsche ยฎ older than 1996. This technology regulates your engine’s temperature, prevents freezing and protects the engine from corrosion.

Do all BMW use the same coolant?

Your BMW, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Audi or Volkswagen uses an HOAT coolant. HOAT coolants are derived from OAT coolants with the addition of silicate to protect aluminum surfaces.

What is HT 12 coolant?

Valvolineโ„ข HT-12โ„ขis the latest coolant technology approved by BMW and VW. This superior engine coolant was developed to meet the requirements of most high-performance engines and provide an extended service life of up to 5 years or 250.000 km.

Is blue coolant the same as red?

Blue Antifreeze is a full concentrate which meets BS6580 and contains the same pure ethylene glycol and anti-corrosive additives as the Red. Its application is for protection for up to a maximum of 2 years.

What happens if you put the wrong antifreeze in a BMW?

Using the wrong engine coolant can gradually lead to corrosion and damage to the water pump, radiator, radiator hoses and cylinder gasket. This can lead to damage to the engine in the worst case.

Can I mix green and blue anti freeze?

The answer to that is Yes. You can mix Peak with Zerek or Prestone โ€“ but only as long as the coolant is the same chemical type. The ratio doesn’t matter as much, but the type & application should match. The easiest way to remember is that you should try and match type โ€“ IAG with IAG, OAG with OAG and HOAT with HOAT.

Can I drive if coolant is low?

No, it is not safe to drive with a low engine coolant level. Low engine coolant can cause airlocks in the coolant system and an overheating engine can destroy expensive parts like the engine block or seize it completely.

Can I drive my car if it says engine coolant low?

If your car has a low coolant you can drive for some time. It really relies on the level of coolant. If it is low but it is above the minimum, you can drive your car for a few days. But if it is below the minimum, please do not even try to run your engine.

Can I drive with coolant light on?

when the low coolant level warning light comes on, you should stop driving. pull over to the side as soon as possible and shut off the engine to prevent any additional damage.

What color is DOT 3 fluid?

New glycol-based fluid (DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5.1) is a translucent yellow color. In fact, it almost looks clear when you pour it out of the bottle. Fresh DOT 5 brake fluid is a purple color.

Why does BMW use blue and white?

The first key to the meaning of the BMW logo are its colors: white and blue are the colors of the State of Bavaria in Germany, home of BMW. A 1929 BMW ad depicts the BMW emblem, complete with the four colored quadrants, in a spinning airplane propeller.

What does blue antifreeze mean?

Posted on 3/17/2021. A blue engine coolant temperature light only indicates one thing: that your coolant, or antifreeze, is too cold. In fact, the temperature is so low that it is possible for your radiator to get too cold, thus resulting in your engine freezing up and not being able to start.

What type of coolant do diesel engines use?

Organic Acid Coolant (OAT) Using an organic acid coolant should provide effective cooling for the entire life of your diesel engine while protecting aluminum, magnesium and other metals from corrosion. This type of coolant is a very convenient option, minimizing the need for regular additives or maintenance.

What coolant is used in diesel engines?

At a basic level, the primary chemical composition of antifreeze (or, coolant) used in diesel engine cooling systems comes in two categories: Ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG).

What is the difference between OAT and NOAT coolant?

The ELC antifreeze/coolants use organic acids (organic additive technology), nitrite and/or molybdenum as part of their inhibitor package and are referred to as Nitrited Organic Acid Technology (NOAT) antifreeze/coolants. Organic Acid Technology: Organic Acid Technology (OAT) has no nitrite added.

Is it OK to mix red and pink coolant?

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What happens if I use red coolant instead of green?

Once you use the wrong coolant, your car’s performance will be negatively affected. Using a mixture of different types of coolant together is also like applying the wrong coolant in your car, and it can lead to or cause increased corrosion in the water pump, radiator hoses, radiator, and cylinder gasket.

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