What coolant does BMW 128i take?

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Pentosin – Pentofrost NF (G11) Silicate European Concentrate Antifreeze / Coolant – 1.5 Liters (Part No. 8114117)

What type of coolant is BMW coolant?

Genuine BMW green HT-12 antifreeze for optimal cooling system performance. Compatible with all BMW models.

Is BMW coolant blue or green?

Green is backwards compatible with blue and can be used on cars before 2018. However, BMW does not advise using the older blue formula on cars made after January, 2018. The green coolant includes silicates, which add extra protection for cooling internals but the coolant must be replaced every two years.

How do I add coolant to my BMW 128i?

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Can I use Prestone 50/50 in my BMW?

Yes. Prestone is an OAT coolant/antifreeze but also contains anti-corrosion ingredients to protect your cooling system. It can be used in all cars effectively, offering the same levels of protection, and without any damage. We offer a guarantee that Prestone is suitable for all cars and engine materials.

What engine coolant does BMW use?

Your BMW, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Audi or Volkswagen uses an HOAT coolant. HOAT coolants are derived from OAT coolants with the addition of silicate to protect aluminum surfaces.

Can I use Autozone coolant in my BMW?

1. Go buy a gallon of coolant from your BMW dealer (DO NOT use any other coolant brand).

Can I mix green and blue coolant BMW?

Looks like they’re compatible and green can be mixed in with cars filled with blue but not the other way around. Pasted from getbmwparts: BMW HT-12 can be used in any vehicle that currently contains G48 coolant (blue), but G48 should not continue to be used in vehicles that were originally filled with HT-12.

Can I put green coolant in my BMW?

If it was ‘all mix, all color’, it will be fine. If it wasn’t, you’ll need to drain and flush the system. But honestly, I would do that anyway and get all the Dexcool out of there, then fill it with a good ‘all mix, all color’ brand.

What happens if you put the wrong coolant in a BMW?

Using the wrong engine coolant can gradually lead to corrosion and damage to the water pump, radiator, radiator hoses and cylinder gasket. This can lead to damage to the engine in the worst case.

Does BMW need blue coolant?

We recommend using BMW’s “Blue” coolant in your car because it is silicate & phosphate free, and has a much longer lifespan inside of your car’s cooling system. Come in today to get a gallon today or let us bring your car’s cooling system back to life before the Texas heat arives.

Can you use other brand coolant BMW?

Any other coolant.. They are all compatible now. The “Active Ingredient” in “BMW” Coolant, other than distilled H2O, is Ethylene Glycol. Agree with the distilled water also.

What color is BMW antifreeze?

for BMW OEM Genuine Antifreeze Coolant Blue Color Part Number 82141467704.

What coolant should I use on my BMW 1 Series?

The best brands for the BMW 1 Hatchback (E87) in the category Antifreeze are: MANNOL. FEBI BILSTEIN. VALEO.

Why does my BMW say low coolant when it’s full?

If you check your coolant reservoir and it appears to be full, but your low coolant light is on, then your vehicle’s coolant sensor may be malfunctioning. Most automotive shops can diagnose a sensor malfunction and replace the sensor.

Can I put water instead of coolant in my BMW?

While you can drive the car for a short time using water in place of the coolant, it won’t effectively protect your engine. This means its essential to get the problem that caused a low coolant level fixed as soon as possible, and the radiator filled with a 50/50 ratio of coolant to water.

Is Prestone coolant BMW approved?

Optimal formula for all BMW ยฎ; All Mini ยฎ; All Volvo ยฎ; Mercedes ยฎ older than 2014; Volkswagen ยฎ older than 1997; Audi ยฎ older than 1997; Jaguar ยฎ older than 1999, Porsche ยฎ older than 1996. This technology regulates your engine’s temperature, prevents freezing and protects the engine from corrosion.

Can I mix Prestone with BMW coolant?

Prestone all makes long life coolant is OAT coolant, is compatible with BMW coolant, will not change the color of your coolant. It meets all ASTM specs for BMW’s.

Can I mix Prestone with green coolant?

Prestone is guaranteed for all cars and can be mixed with any other colour of coolant/antifreeze, making it the best choice for you. You can use it to top up your car or to refill the cooling system after you’ve drained and flushed it.

Does BMW coolant need to be mixed with water?

Keep in mind, you never want to pour antifreeze or water by themselves into your engine system. They need to be combined to create the good coolant.

Is zerex G48 coolant good for BMW?

Zerex G48 Antifreeze/Coolant is proven to maximize engine life in cars and light trucks. Its premium formulation is suitable for BMW, Chrysler 2001 and older, Ford 2002 and older, GM 1996 and older, Mercedes-Benz, Mini and Volvo engines.

How much does BMW charge for coolant flush?

The average cost for a BMW 328i coolant change is between $276 and $315. Labor costs are estimated between $151 and $191 while parts are priced at $124.

What is blue antifreeze?

Antifreeze Blue is a full concentrate which meets BS6580 and contains the same pure ethylene glycol and anti-corrosive additives as the Red. Its application is for protection for up to a maximum of 2 years.

How do you top up BMW coolant?

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Can I use blue coolant instead of green?

Coolant (Ethylene Glycol) is usually green, yellow, red, purple, orange or blue. These colors are not indicative of the formula used. Most coolants can be mixed without fear. They are made up of almost the same things.

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