If nothing seems to be acting strange, then it is probably safe to drive it until you can get it into a mechanic. Sometimes the light may come on after fueling if the gas cap is a little loose. Or it could mean your catalytic converter needs to be inspected.
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What causes a BMW engine light to come on?
BMW Check Engine Light Flashing Distinctive acknowledged reasons for a Check Engine Light are faulty emissions control part, dirty mass airflow sensor, damaged oxygen sensor, faulty head gasket, a malfunction with the fuel injection system, or defective spark plugs to name a few.
Why is my check engine light on but everything is fine?
Check Engine Light False Alarms Sometimes you’ll notice a check engine light even though the car runs fine. There are a couple of reasons why this may be. If there is a problem with the car, it’s probably the O2 sensor. This is an extremely common problem with modern cars and a relatively easy one to fix.
Can a check engine light come on for no reason?
The check engine light can come on for many reasons. For example, something as simple as a loose gas cap can trigger the warning. And major problems, such as failed internal engine components, can turn on the light, as well.
Is it OK to drive BMW with check engine light on?
A steady glow typically means something less serious but a flashing check engine light indicates that your vehicle’s engine is in serious trouble and service is needed immediately. If your check engine light is flashing in your BMW, we highly recommend not to drive the vehicle and schedule BMW service today.
Why is my check engine light on but no codes?
If your check engine light is on but can’t see any codes, it’s most likely due to having the wrong scanner or one that is incompatible with your vehicle. There could also be an electrical short or blown fuse causing the light to come on for no reason.
Will BMW check engine light reset itself?
Since most BMW models use a Condition-Based Servicing system, your check engine light should reset itself automatically if and when the offending issue has been resolved.
Is a solid check engine light serious?
If the engine light comes on solid, it may still be a reason for concern, however it doesn’t immediately need to strike fear in your heart. A solid Check Engine Light can mean something like a loose gas cap, or it can indicate a more in-depth problem like a fuel, timing, or transmission issue.
What is the most common reason for check engine light?
A faulty oxygen sensor will return a check engine warning every time. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons why a check engine light comes on while you’re driving your automobile.
Does BMW check engine light come on for oil change?
Needs Oil Changes: Your BMW service engine light will come on whenever it is time for your oil change. The purpose is to let you know that the maximum time and miles you can drive with your current oil have come.
What does yellow check engine light mean?
In some cars, a yellow check engine light means there is a problem that needs to be investigated and a red or flashing light means there is a serious problem and you need to stop right away. Your gauges will help you to determine problems like overheating and low oil pressure.
How long can you drive with check engine light on?
If your Check Engine light comes on for any reason, it’s still possible to drive your vehicle, but it is only recommended to drive another 50 to 100 miles before scanning your car’s computer for error codes. This process allows you to identify the issue at hand and address it as you see fit.
Will check engine light turn off after tightening gas cap?
Then tighten the gas cap with your hand until you hear the cap click in place. If it does not click in place or is loose after clicking into place the cap needs to be replaced. The check engine light should go off after you drive for several minutes if the light was caused by a loose gas cap.
What does a steady engine light mean?
If the check engine light turns on and is steady, not flashing, you can keep driving as long as your vehicle isn’t performing out of the ordinary. A steady light is your car’s way of telling you your car is in need of service.
Can a dirty air filter cause a check engine light to come on?
A dirty air filter is one of the things that can cause your Check Engine light to come on, caused by an inadequate supply of air to the engine that results in a buildup of carbon deposits. Have your mechanic scan your vehicle to track down the source of the problem, as it could be as simple as replacing the air filter.
What does orange engine light mean?
A flashing orange light means that there is a problem that could affect how the car drives or handles, such as an engine misfire. You might be able to feel your car shake, or the engine could suddenly sound different. If this light comes on, you should take your car to be inspected immediately.
When should I be worried about check engine light?
If the check engine light illuminates, it will either blink or remain constantly illuminated, depending on the problem. A blinking light, or in some cars a red light instead of a yellow or orange light, indicates a problem that needs immediate attention. Either way, you should have the vehicle checked by a mechanic.
Can you drive with yellow check engine light on?
If these lights come on, pull over and shut off the engine as soon as you can. Some cars may have a red check engine light to alert you to stop right away, while a yellow light stands for investigation. Take it easy!
How do you turn off the check engine light on a BMW?

Will engine codes clear themselves?
Do car codes clear themselves? Yes, the error codes clear themselves after a number of successful test cycles. The number of successful test cycles required depends on the car model and engine control module but is usually between 10 and 20 cycles.
How far do you have to drive to reset the check engine light?
To make sure the check engine light does not reappear, it’s recommended that you drive your car 30 to 100 miles. This enables the vehicle’s “Drive Cycle” to reset, as the various sensors need time to recalibrate.
Can car diagnostics be wrong?
It’s rare for a vehicle diagnostics error code to be completely wrong. However, replacing a part or making a repair that addresses the error code might not fully fix the vehicle’s problem. For example, a misfiring engine might produce a P0300 error code that implies a spark plug or coil needs to be replaced.
Can needing a oil change cause check engine light?
1. Your Car Needs an Oil Change. An illuminated check engine light is the first warning sign that your vehicle needs an oil change. It can activate because the oil is too dirty or when there’s not enough flowing throughout the engine.
What sensor causes check engine light?
The oxygen sensor, also known as the O2 sensor, measures the amount of unburnt oxygen in your exhaust system. A failing sensor can cause the check engine light to be triggered, though you can continue to drive relatively fine with it.
Can I drive my car with engine management light on?
Is it safe to drive with the engine management light on? Generally, unless there are other symptoms that’s something’s wrong, you can continue driving to your destination. You should then get your vehicle looked at by an expert as soon as possible to avoid risking further damage to your car.